In geometry, mandalas are measurable, exact networks, compositions of figures linked around a point (which is their centre), on the Cartesian plane.
They are fragmented into concentric circles at defined distances, and by regular polygons, where perfect symmetry governs.
Drawing mandalas is a task that develops creativity and brings together basic elements of geometry, such as the concepts of point, line, angle, plane figures, measurement of angles, segments, secant, tangent, diameter and radius, as well as the use of instruments such as ruler, square, protractor and compass. On the other hand, it illustrates relationships such as similarity between triangles, midpoint, bisector, height, mediatrix and median.
We can find some websites and resources with which to create mandalas online and digitally, as it is a fact that ICTs are present in our daily lives, especially in children's:
The MyOats website allows you to create these drawings in a simple and funny way.
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